Final chapter written in October 2017

While this is the final chapter, hopefully, it is not the last. Eleven chapters have been written and the plan is to write another 4 or 5 chapters, although it may be more, depending how much longer I have.

However as I have already lived five years longer than the average lifespan of the Canadian males and am leaving in a few days, for six weeks in India, it seems prudent to write the final chapter now.

Today seems to be a day of finishing things,. This morning I once again finished reading the Bible from cover to cover. This afternoon I finished harvesting and drying this year’s crop of Artemisia and this now I hope to finish the final chapter of my book.

Incidentally today it is also the day Hugh Hefner died. The founder of Playboy magazine which brought sex, God’s wonderful gift of love and creation, to a cheap tawdry act of self-satisfaction. His empire has been replaced by more and more filthy pornography available to all, via the internet. Hugh Hefner and others like him have brought much grief to our world.

As I read the final few books of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation I realized just how perverted mankind has become. BC teachers are forced to read, in every class K to 12, every type of perverted type of family and to convince them this is all normal. Ontario has passed a law which will allow the state to remove a child from the parental home if the parents speak against any form of homosexuality or the transgender agenda. How have we sunk this far and when will the church unite and make an end to all that defies commonsense.

I also looked at our present world and saw how the end times prophesies are being fulfilled on an almost daily basis. Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanos are reported daily. The news is filled with wars and rumors of war. Good is called bad and bad is called good. Anyone standing up for rightlessness is accused of some type of phobia.

If we criticize other religions we are considered intolerant and are accused fo being a racist

There have been more Christian martyrs in the past 100 years than in all of man’s previous history. Everything seems to be pointing at the early return of Christ.

God’s word firmly states that he who stands firm to the end will be saved and live in peace with God for eternity. What a promise!

My 85 years on this earth has taught me many things. Mainly that we can rely on the word of God as being truth. That, if we allow Him to, God will be involved in our daily lives, constantly giving us guidance and protection.

I have realized that God is the same forever. He heals like He did when Jesus walked the earth. I have witnessed and experienced this healing time after time. I have seen live changed 180 degrees when people have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

I believe we are saved by grace but it is not cheap grace and certainly not a license to sin. Many place in the Bible demand righteousness. The best example of this may be the second half of Matthew 25.

The Bible is quite clear that we all have eternal life and that our acceptance of Christ and the life we live will determine if where we spend eternity.

When I sat down to write this book I thought it would be much shorter but, as I write I am reminded of so many different times I have seen God move in extraordinary ways.

My hope is those reading it are reminded of times when they to have witnessed God at work and are drawn closer to Him. I have been blessed by so many pleasant memories as I have written this book. I believe that each of us has a book inside of them and will be blessed as they attempt to get that book on paper.

Maranatha – even so, come, Lord Jesus.

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Stuart Spani

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