I am now 84 years old and have known this poem for many years.  Each time I think of it I get a twinge of conscience, but too seldom do anything about it.   When I came across it again, a few days ago, it hit me that sometime soon I am going to stand in front of my Saviour and try to explain why too many of my relatives and friends might have the same experience as JD is describing in this poem.

Speaking of JD, I have been unable to find him to ask permission to use his poem, if any readers know how to get in touch with him please let me know.

Especially during the second half of my life I have witnessed the power of God in many ways and have always said I must write a book about these experiences.  Coming across this poem again as given me the urge to get going.   Realizing that I have already lived four years longer than the average Canadian male it will be in the form of an e-book and be put on www.bye-bye-malaria.org  as writing progresses.  I hope I am around long enough to finish it, however that is up to God, not me.

All of the people mentioned in the book are real people, however in many cases I am not using their real names.  This may be for different reasons.  Many simply because I remember the incident but not the name, some because I have not received permission to tell their story, others to protect their privacy, etc.

I will make every effort to be absolutely truthful in my writing but I am relying on memory and if anyone feels I am wrong please contact me and I will endeavor to correct any errors.  This is the huge advantage of e-books.

The book is actually a series of short stories, not in any chronological order, but just as they come to mind.

I have been privileged to experience God in some extraordinary ways, however don’t believe for a moment that I consider myself to be a superior person who thinks he can snap his fingers and God must respond.  In a one year period I lost 3 close Christian friends to cancer.  Many times I prayed for each of them, yet they each died.  God did not answer my prayers, at least not in the way I wanted.   I have often wondered why bad things happen to good people and have come to the conclusion that is God’s business, not mine. 

I can’t begin to understand who God is, but am sure that this universe, with it’s infinite size and complexity is no product of chance.   I am humbled as I realize that a mind which created everything still stoops to touch each of us in intimate ways. 

My prayer is that these short stories will become a step for some to come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ and encourage others to share their faith with family, friends. colleagues and even strangers.  It is impossible to tell the wrong person about Jesus. It might just make an eternal difference to them

I truly believe each of us will live forever.  Our choice is where we spend eternity.

Well here goes!

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